Thursday, August 16, 2007


Bewolf was a very interesting story. I have never read something like that before, it was long and detailed. It had excitement, scary and sad parts all in one. Some parts even touch me like when Bewolf was dying he told Wiglaf to take care of his people and do good with the treasure that they took from the Dragon. It was wrong how Wiglaf was the only one out his group of men to come help with the Dragon. Bewolf was a very interesting man himself. Defending a man that stole, and then going to get the rest for himself. That was very selfish and wrong and by doing wrong he got himself killed. He allowed his greediness to get the best of him.

By the way that Bewolf act the Anglo-Saxon had a warrior instincts. Bewolf would not hold back nor let his people down. If it took him a hundred tries he was going to do it. He was determine to be the best and the undefeated. He was going to be number one. In the story it seemed as though many of the warriors that he had were afraid of the monsters they fought. It seemed like he was a army all by himself. Many of his warriors would run away until the fight would be over then come back to cheer him of his victory. They seem more of his cheerleaders than his army... I find that humorous.

The more I look over the story I see why Bewolf got such a big head. Okay, he killed 2 monsters by himself without any help of his warriors. Then the people made him King. Now if I had that type of power I think that I would get a little cocky myself, but I think he got to big of a head once he took up for a man that stole, knowing that stealing is wrong. Then went to the Dragons layers to kill the Dragon and take his treasure. Now not only the man that stole from the dragon in the first place wrong but now King Bewolf is wrong also. I think he showed bad example to his people. Just because he wanted to show his people that he still got it ( like 70 years old) instead he showed an example of ways not to be.

Bewolf was a good warrior, and a good guy. He just allowed himself to get a big head and because of that he got himself killed at an old age. I think if he would have done his duty as King and punish this man for stealing instead of trying to out beat him he would not have died. He would have lived on as a great King and leader. Bewolf put himself in a bad situation and for that he got the consequence he deserved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have done well with these. The only thing that needs some work is your response to #4 that lacks evidence.
