Monday, October 29, 2007

The Tragedy Of Macbeth: Act 3

In this at Macbeth had become King, and in all of his greed he has become worried that Banquo and his son would try to take over. Macbeth has hired some 2 guysto kill Banqo and his son to get rid of them. During this atemp they kill Banqo but the sone gets away. Later on that night Macbeth is celebrating with his people and he truns around and sees Banquo sitting in his seat. He starts to talk crazy and his friend Ross stands up for him and tells everyone to worry he gets likethis sometimes and everyone soon forgets about theoutburst that thier King made.

At the end of this story there are two gentlemen having a conversation about what was going on in their surroundings.They discribed how theyunderstood why Macbeth was so dissurpbed at the celebation because of the killing and not knowing who's the killer. They are thinking that it might be the one of the sons or someone of that nature. There is no one except Macduff that thinks that something is fishy going on.

Now I just feel like everyone willl soon find out the truth about Macbeth and how he betraied his counrty by killing the king so he could become king. Not only did he kill the king but also got some others to kill Banquo and try to kill his son ( which they did not) inorder to not allow Banqo son to take the throne from him. I really think that Macbeth is what comming to him because him doing all this killing is not right and hs should be taken care of no matter what the cost.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Tragedy Of Macbeth Act 2

Act 2 Macbeth is going crazy. He is either drunk, hallucinating or something because as you read you can tell that he confused and not clear," Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still." Macbeth seemed like he need counseling and then his marriage might needed some to because his wife nor him seemed to be in the right mind. As we know his wife did talk him in to killing the King which he did do away with, "I have did the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise?" Yet Macbeth seemed guilty about killing the King before he even did it which makes him seem a little on the sensitive side to me.

Now the sons of the king and anyone else who is the house is finding out that the King was murdered, "approach the chamber, and destroy your sight with a new Gorgon: do nor bid me speak; See, and then speak yourselves. Awake, Awake!"

Thursday October 18, 2007 3:30-5:30

Well today my Mentor Mr. Ben picked me up from my high schoool so we could study the rhythems of drums. He reconized our princepal Mr. Hunter from a magizine, which i found interesting and a complement. As we drove to our destination he asked "What type of music I was interested in?" My answer to that question was rap and R&B. Mr. Ben asked me if I have listen any type of Rock. I told him I have listen to Linkin Park and some others that I can't name off the top of my head. We got to our destination which was called Nuci. Mr.Ben explained to me that Nuci came about because a mother lost her son to depression. So, Nuci is place for musicans and anyone who has depression or just needs to talk to someone they could come there and get the help they need. Not only that Nuci is place where musicans who have no where to practice can rent a room and practice there, also they can rent anything that might need from Nuci at the counter at anytime.

We got to Nuci and Mr. Ben introduced me to some of the staff. He explained that he was mentoring me and I wanted to learn how to play the drums. The guys gave me some encouragments saying that if I could play the Violin I could play the drums which put a smile on my face.

The guy behinde the counter gave us room nine. All the rooms were sound proof so no matter how loud or bad I played no one could hear me. So he got started getting things set up so I could play and gave me my own set of sticks. That excited me. When Mr. Ben got everything set up correct he showed me what he wanted me to start out with. I started out playing the snare drum with left hand and beating the bass with my right foot in fours. Then Mr. Ben switched it up a bit and had me play the snare, bass and tom-tom at the same time. That I did not get so quickly. He left the room for while to see if it would help if he was out the room, but it didn't. Well I didn't give up. I kept trying. Mr. Ben stated that I have dedication because I suppose he saw that I was not going to give up. I told him that I have always wanted to learn how to play the drums. Then he brought the bass gutair in to try help me balance everything out. It helped but I still could not keep everything in balance. By this time it was time to go.

As we went out to the car Mr. Ben explained to me that he was going to allow me to borrow a snare drum for me to parcatice on which on the positive side would help out a bunch because I do not own a drum set but on the negative drive my dad insane. He showed it to me and told me that both I and Shanya should enjoy it. Then we left Nuci and he headed to my house. We had a nice conversation on the way down the highway. When we arrived to my house he helped me put my load in the house and told me that I did a good job today.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Renaissance

I think that King Henry was wrong for wanting to divorce from his wife, so he made his own religion because the Priest would not allow him. I think that King Henry should have stuck by his religion and instead of using his power for the negative. He should have just dealt with it. After all the craziness that happened in England. England finally got a good queen, Elizabeth known as the virgin queen because she never married. Then after she passed King James became king and the "King James Bible" was brought about. The Renaissance was one of the best times because if it wasn't for the "King James Bible" we would not be able to read the bible now.

Act 1 of The Tragedy of Macbeth

In the First act the witches tell Macbeth that he is destined to be King. Then he starts to think if the witches are right and, writes his wife about what the witches said. The King promotes Macbeth as the Thane of Cawdor. This would make him one step closer to being King, but the King has a son meaning his son would become him if the King would past. So where does this put Macbeth? That is what he is trying to figure out. In the begenning of this act the witches say something very important which is " Fair is foul and foul is fair, Hover through the fog and filthy air". Now when I first read this I didn't understand it but bacically the witches are saying the way someone can look good on the outside may not be good in the inside. Now when Macbeth is promoted, the King is invited to home. Macbeth gets there first and hiw wife tells him that she has a plan to kill the King. Macbeth starts to back out but his wife begans to push "Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valor as though in desire". So now his wife is manipulating him. That's just somoething a loyal wife would do.

Right now this story is very interesting because I would have thought Macbeth's wife would be proud of her husband to get promoted by the King. It seems to me that Lady Macbeth has her mind focus on the jack pot. Poor Macbeth just out of it. Now he is about get himself tied up and he doesn't even see it. I just wonder how thigs are going to go from here....