Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sonnets of Shakespeare and Spenser....

1. Each section of Shakespeare's poem had it's own meaning and did not link onto none of the other sections of his poem. Spenser was little different because he had a different scheme for his poem each section of his poem linked together which allowed his his poem to flow easier. I like Mr. Spenser a whole lot more because his poem are fun to read and you can understand the poem better when you beak it down. Mr.Spencer had a style that you can just picture it as someone reads it aloud to you. I am not putting Mr.Shakespeare down I think that he is wonderful poet, but Mr.Spenser takes the show when his poem is read.


1. Should he compare this women to a summers day. Yet she was more sweet and calm as a summers day. Though May's weather is not always good. The month of may is so short that it is hard to compare you to thee.

2. The sun shines to brightly. Though the sun does set or a cloud overshadows it. What is beautiful will soon age. Either by natural cause or chance.

3. Her beauty will never fade. Or loose what she owns. Death can not say anything of her beauty. Her beauty will continually grow.

4. As long as there is humanity. Your beauty will live for eternity.


1. We are so far apart. When you come around me it makes me feel great. Yet we do not clash. the more I try, the harder she is to get.

2. My heart is so excited. Her heart seems so cold. Yet she makes me sweat. And my feeling outburst in flames.

3. What else can I say about her? We are still so far. And I shall always be me. The Ice is still hard cold. While the fire is still burning.

4. This power she has is such a power. That it is better than all times.

Sonnet 130 My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;A
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;B
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;A
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.B
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,C
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;D
And in some perfumes is there more delightC
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.D
I love to hear her speak, yet well I knowE
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;F
I grant I never saw a goddess go;E
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:F
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rareG
As any she belied with false compare. G

1. Her eye are not bright. Her lips are not red. Her ber beast are dull. And her hair is wirey.
2I have seeen roses that are streake with white and red. But her checks do not compare. Her perfume is not welcoming. And her breath stinks.
3.Her voice I like to hear. But music I have heard that is better. I never seen a Goddess. Yet she stomps everywhere she goes.
4. His Love is rare. Though everything that i say it is a false compare.

"One day I wrote her name upon the strand"

One day I wrote her name upon the strand, A
But came the waves and washed it away: B
Again I wrote it with a second hand, A
But came the tide, and made my pains his prey.B

Vain man, said she, that dost in vain assay B
A mortal thing so to immortalize! C
For I myself shall like to this decay,B
And eek my name be wiped out likewise. C

Not so (quoth I), let baser things devise C
To die in dust, but you shall live by fame: D
My verse your virtues rare shall eternize, C
And in the heavens write your glorious name;D

Where, whenas death shall all the world subdue,E
Our love shall live, and later life renew. E

1.He wrote her name in sand and it washed away.
2.You crazyman. whywrite my name in the sand because just like the tides that wash my name away we will decay away.
3.Let little things think of death. You shall live by remeberance. By this poem.
4. Even though the death will come about. Our love for each other will live forever.


My seed that came from me A
As my baby grow and grows B
Is not as nice as she could be A
He is puffed like a Fro B

She is an image of her Father C
the joy she brings to everyone as a she plays around D
But there attitudes are far from one another C
gives everyone a laughing sound D

But does this baby breath? E
She is not to blame for her actions F
My baby is not beneath E
In this world there are many distractions F

My baby is fair.G
So the world better perpare.G

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post looks pretty good. I can tell the time you put into it.

Thank you.