Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Events of the Romantic Period

During the Romantic Period the United States bans importing slaves from Africa. By doing this it was illeagal to import slaves into America. Yet, the slaves that were already here and babies were born here were still slaves. By doing this it was one step closer to abolish slavery. Also during this time Catholic Emacipation Act which allowed Catholics to hold public office. This was the year 1829. This was something that the Catholic was fighting. Just because of thier religion they were not able to hold office. Now because of this act they were able to hold office without judged by thier religion. During this time it seemed like everyone was trying take step forward to do what is right.

During this time I think that everyone was trying to figure out what was wrong and what was right. Many people seemed to be confused about what was the right things to do. Because there was so much say so from the goverment and churches many had to make up their own conclusion about what was right for themselves. During the Romantic period I think was time for people to come out of closet, and stop listening to others by taking time to actually think what they was right.

Monday, December 3, 2007

What do you think was most important to people living in this time?

I believe that many people in this time did not deserved what happen, but seems that the reason why was because "Someone" was trying to teach these people a lesson. I don't think that death was the right path to go, but I guess I can't say. The man in the story seemed to be on a journey to a safe place because of all the diease that was surrounding him. Many were so sick theey were dying on the side of the street. This seems really on real to me. Just imaginating this makes me wonder if I would have went on a journey to get away from it all.

A Journal of the Plague Year

What I read was sad with a whole lot of death and sorrow. I could not imagine myself seeing death around me literally 24/7. I think that I would go mentally insane. I think that it was a great idea to keep people away from pits full of dead bodies, but who would want to go to a pit full of dead bodies anyway? I understand that this man wanted to go to church, but never says the reason. I'm guessing the reason why is because there was so much death that seemed like the most sacred place, "I got admittance into the churchyard by being acquainted with the sexton who attended".

"This was a mournful scene indeed, and affected me almost as much as the rest; but the other was awful and full of terror. The cart had in it sixteen or seventeen bodies; some were wrapt up in linen sheets, some in rags, some little other than naked", This would have terrified me. This kind of reminds me of the Hulcoast. This breaks my heart that many families went through a horrible crisis like this. I could not imagine my family being destroied by one disease. I think that going to church was a bright idea. Just getting away from it all and letting your heartbeat with God's.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Macbeth Act 4 and 5

Well Macbeth is really starting to get interesting because Macbeth is getting cocky with his authority. He doesn't care about how anybody reacts to his commands he just wants things to be done when he says so.He has such high hopes that no one can kill him, but I beleive that soon enough he will get proved wrong. "Foul is fair is fair is to foul" is what this story is all about. He has killed many people that over wanting power it has destroyed him has a person as a good King.

Act 4 was not as exciting because nothing much happen. The only important events that happen was that Macbeth went togo see the Witches once again and they told him 3 important things:"Beware of Mcduff, for none of woman born shall harm him, and he shall never be vanquished until the Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinanae Hill shall come agianst him". Hearing these word come from Witches that have been telling me no wrong I would be joyful. I think that Mcduff made some bad moves by killing the whole family of Macduff. This is something else that he will have to pay for using his power for evil.

Act 5 was the real turn around for everybody. Macduff said he wasn't going to take it anymore heas going to do something about Macbeth. Lady Macbeth went mentally insane and now everyone is wondering what is really going on. Macduff had became smart and with his army he decided that he did not want Macbeth to know how many soldiers he had so he had them each carry sticks from the Great Birnam Woods. As he and his army approached Macbeth's servent saw them and ran to Macduff to tell him. As Macbeth knows no one born from could harm him so he had no worries. Well at the end of this both Macbeth and I find out that Macduff was "Untimely ripped". That was a huge turn around, but Ithink that Macbeth got what he deserved and Macduff got his justice.

Monday, November 19, 2007

12pm-2pm Sunday November 15, 2007

Well today my Mentor picked me up from my house and on way to Nuci's we decide that we take pet stop at McDonald's for number 1 and double cheese burger and small fry which was pretty nice of him to take me by there. Soon enough we got Nuci's and sat down outside to eat out "healthy" lunch. Which was quite tasty. As we sat there was saw a flyer that looked like a "WANTED" sign, but as it came out to be someone that was showing their artistic talents through a "WANTED" sign. I thought that was very unique and plus it was a great way to catch eyes.

We went inside to play the drums. He played first to warm the drums up and put them in tune. I enjoy to hear a professional drummer play because it sounds so cool. Then I hopped on there as he went out to get a guitar so I can play along with him. I like that a whole lot better than plying with out him on the guitar. It gives me guidance. It also gives me concentration. That's the great part about me playing along with him.

All in all we had a great session. We did talk about the presentation and he thought that I should have a " Reflection" on my experience. I think that would be great idea as long as he helps me with it because I don't think that I could write an "reflection" on my own. It would really help to have his guidance on this since he knows from his own experiences from college.

44. mins. Phone Call with Mentor November 16, 2007

My Mentor and I talk on the phone this evening and we had a very interesting conversation on our cutural differences and how we are connected as Mentor and Mentee. He asked me how I was doing and how my life was going and I responded by saying that I was stressed ( which I still am) and how I'm trying to concentrate on finishing school especially my Senior Project. He told me that his students are enjoying reading time, which I thought was really good.

When I think about our cultrual differences are different and the same. We are both parents and enjoy music in general and also enjoy playing it. Our diffenreces are that he is an succesful musican, has a great career as teacher, and he's married. Me on the other hand I'm a single parent, I'm still in High school and I'm still struggling to figure out if I want to become a probation Officer or a Teacher. Even though we are very different in many ways, we can still come together and have conversations that we can both relate to.

My Mentor has given me many thing so think about such as my future, my child and my musical talents, and how far I can actually go to succed. Even though my Mentor has put his put his musical career aside and concentrate on his family and teacher career he still involves his musical talents with his students and his family. This shows me that even though my child might not understand many things I can show her through the things that I love to do and teach her through things I love to do.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Modest Proposal

I understand that Mr. Swift is trying to be funny but I cannot say that this is amusing to me. These women chooses to have their children and suffer. I do not think that it is fair for these children to be joked about because they are not as wealthy as society thinks they should. I just think about my three my children and because I have so many and I struggle they should be ate. This modest proposal is something that discusses me and should have been thought out more carefully.


My Definition of "Satire"
1. Someone being sarcastic but really meaning to be funny; 2. Someone or something imitating something sarcastically to be funny.

Examples of "Satire"
1. South Park
2. The Simpsons
3. Mad T.V.
4. Family Guy

The Bloodless Revolution

Charles has died and there is a new king almost them. The only thing that seems to be wrong is that he is Roman Catholic. No one in London likes this because they are afraid that will be given to the pope. While as the new king James was king he had a heir to the throne which didn't make London happy because now they would have to deal with this for another generation. Soon enough because there was so much pressure on James that he and his family fled to France. His daughter Mary and her Dutch husband William of Orange which were Protestant took over the throne.

Because this occurred London was now Protestant. This changed history magnetically. Why? Because this was the first time London did not have to behead a king to get rid of him and second London has stayed Protestant since then. This is very religious so I have to say that because London did not want to get turned over to the Pope is understandable because that certain religion wanted to have control and I believe many of the Londoners did not want that to happen again and I do not blame them to want their freedom.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sonnets of Shakespeare and Spenser....

1. Each section of Shakespeare's poem had it's own meaning and did not link onto none of the other sections of his poem. Spenser was little different because he had a different scheme for his poem each section of his poem linked together which allowed his his poem to flow easier. I like Mr. Spenser a whole lot more because his poem are fun to read and you can understand the poem better when you beak it down. Mr.Spencer had a style that you can just picture it as someone reads it aloud to you. I am not putting Mr.Shakespeare down I think that he is wonderful poet, but Mr.Spenser takes the show when his poem is read.


1. Should he compare this women to a summers day. Yet she was more sweet and calm as a summers day. Though May's weather is not always good. The month of may is so short that it is hard to compare you to thee.

2. The sun shines to brightly. Though the sun does set or a cloud overshadows it. What is beautiful will soon age. Either by natural cause or chance.

3. Her beauty will never fade. Or loose what she owns. Death can not say anything of her beauty. Her beauty will continually grow.

4. As long as there is humanity. Your beauty will live for eternity.


1. We are so far apart. When you come around me it makes me feel great. Yet we do not clash. the more I try, the harder she is to get.

2. My heart is so excited. Her heart seems so cold. Yet she makes me sweat. And my feeling outburst in flames.

3. What else can I say about her? We are still so far. And I shall always be me. The Ice is still hard cold. While the fire is still burning.

4. This power she has is such a power. That it is better than all times.

Sonnet 130 My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;A
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;B
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;A
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.B
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,C
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;D
And in some perfumes is there more delightC
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.D
I love to hear her speak, yet well I knowE
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;F
I grant I never saw a goddess go;E
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:F
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rareG
As any she belied with false compare. G

1. Her eye are not bright. Her lips are not red. Her ber beast are dull. And her hair is wirey.
2I have seeen roses that are streake with white and red. But her checks do not compare. Her perfume is not welcoming. And her breath stinks.
3.Her voice I like to hear. But music I have heard that is better. I never seen a Goddess. Yet she stomps everywhere she goes.
4. His Love is rare. Though everything that i say it is a false compare.

"One day I wrote her name upon the strand"

One day I wrote her name upon the strand, A
But came the waves and washed it away: B
Again I wrote it with a second hand, A
But came the tide, and made my pains his prey.B

Vain man, said she, that dost in vain assay B
A mortal thing so to immortalize! C
For I myself shall like to this decay,B
And eek my name be wiped out likewise. C

Not so (quoth I), let baser things devise C
To die in dust, but you shall live by fame: D
My verse your virtues rare shall eternize, C
And in the heavens write your glorious name;D

Where, whenas death shall all the world subdue,E
Our love shall live, and later life renew. E

1.He wrote her name in sand and it washed away.
2.You crazyman. whywrite my name in the sand because just like the tides that wash my name away we will decay away.
3.Let little things think of death. You shall live by remeberance. By this poem.
4. Even though the death will come about. Our love for each other will live forever.


My seed that came from me A
As my baby grow and grows B
Is not as nice as she could be A
He is puffed like a Fro B

She is an image of her Father C
the joy she brings to everyone as a she plays around D
But there attitudes are far from one another C
gives everyone a laughing sound D

But does this baby breath? E
She is not to blame for her actions F
My baby is not beneath E
In this world there are many distractions F

My baby is fair.G
So the world better perpare.G

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Friday November 2, 2007 3:00pm- 5:30

Well today did not go as planed. We were suppose to meet up at my school because I had graduating test class, but there was no at the school. I knew that Mr. Mize was at his school teaching that they went on a field trip with thier students. I waled tothe bus stop and rode the bus to his school. I arrived unexpectly, but he seemed very happy and surprised to see me and so were the students.

As I sat there I had a conversation with his teacher assistant. Once they got finish reading the scary story it was time for the kids to go home and tell there mother what a good day they had at school and that on Hollween they get to bring thier costumes to school and go trick-a-treating around the school.

Mr. Mize and I walked to his car and we had small talk about his day and how the kids reacted to the pumpkin patch they went to for thier field trip. Mr. Mize loves coffee and he decided instead of him going all the way to his coffee shop we could just go to house so he could make his special coffee. We get to his house and I meet his wife and his son Vic. Mr. Mize showed me his home which was very beautiful. Not only did he show me his home but he showed me his own personal drum set, and he played it for me. We dicuss how you tune a drum. Even though I did research I never ran into tuning a drum. There is a special key that alows you to make the drum high or low. There are knobs around the drums that turn with the special key. We left from there but on way out of the house I spilt coffeee all over my shirt. Thank God I had a spare in my purse. After that accident and I got freshed up his wife was nice enough to wash my shirt for me. Then me and Mr. Mize was on our way to Nuci.

We got to Nuci and on the way we listen to 95.5 the beat to see if there were any beats that I could play. We went in and I showed him that I had practice. Now I'm practicing left hand on the snare, right hand on the tom and my right foot on the bass. The trick to his is for me to play the snare on the 2nd and 4th beat and play the bass on the 1st and 3rd beat while continuly playing the tom. I'm sure I will get it with my practice.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Tragedy Of Macbeth: Act 3

In this at Macbeth had become King, and in all of his greed he has become worried that Banquo and his son would try to take over. Macbeth has hired some 2 guysto kill Banqo and his son to get rid of them. During this atemp they kill Banqo but the sone gets away. Later on that night Macbeth is celebrating with his people and he truns around and sees Banquo sitting in his seat. He starts to talk crazy and his friend Ross stands up for him and tells everyone to worry he gets likethis sometimes and everyone soon forgets about theoutburst that thier King made.

At the end of this story there are two gentlemen having a conversation about what was going on in their surroundings.They discribed how theyunderstood why Macbeth was so dissurpbed at the celebation because of the killing and not knowing who's the killer. They are thinking that it might be the one of the sons or someone of that nature. There is no one except Macduff that thinks that something is fishy going on.

Now I just feel like everyone willl soon find out the truth about Macbeth and how he betraied his counrty by killing the king so he could become king. Not only did he kill the king but also got some others to kill Banquo and try to kill his son ( which they did not) inorder to not allow Banqo son to take the throne from him. I really think that Macbeth is what comming to him because him doing all this killing is not right and hs should be taken care of no matter what the cost.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Tragedy Of Macbeth Act 2

Act 2 Macbeth is going crazy. He is either drunk, hallucinating or something because as you read you can tell that he confused and not clear," Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still." Macbeth seemed like he need counseling and then his marriage might needed some to because his wife nor him seemed to be in the right mind. As we know his wife did talk him in to killing the King which he did do away with, "I have did the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise?" Yet Macbeth seemed guilty about killing the King before he even did it which makes him seem a little on the sensitive side to me.

Now the sons of the king and anyone else who is the house is finding out that the King was murdered, "approach the chamber, and destroy your sight with a new Gorgon: do nor bid me speak; See, and then speak yourselves. Awake, Awake!"

Thursday October 18, 2007 3:30-5:30

Well today my Mentor Mr. Ben picked me up from my high schoool so we could study the rhythems of drums. He reconized our princepal Mr. Hunter from a magizine, which i found interesting and a complement. As we drove to our destination he asked "What type of music I was interested in?" My answer to that question was rap and R&B. Mr. Ben asked me if I have listen any type of Rock. I told him I have listen to Linkin Park and some others that I can't name off the top of my head. We got to our destination which was called Nuci. Mr.Ben explained to me that Nuci came about because a mother lost her son to depression. So, Nuci is place for musicans and anyone who has depression or just needs to talk to someone they could come there and get the help they need. Not only that Nuci is place where musicans who have no where to practice can rent a room and practice there, also they can rent anything that might need from Nuci at the counter at anytime.

We got to Nuci and Mr. Ben introduced me to some of the staff. He explained that he was mentoring me and I wanted to learn how to play the drums. The guys gave me some encouragments saying that if I could play the Violin I could play the drums which put a smile on my face.

The guy behinde the counter gave us room nine. All the rooms were sound proof so no matter how loud or bad I played no one could hear me. So he got started getting things set up so I could play and gave me my own set of sticks. That excited me. When Mr. Ben got everything set up correct he showed me what he wanted me to start out with. I started out playing the snare drum with left hand and beating the bass with my right foot in fours. Then Mr. Ben switched it up a bit and had me play the snare, bass and tom-tom at the same time. That I did not get so quickly. He left the room for while to see if it would help if he was out the room, but it didn't. Well I didn't give up. I kept trying. Mr. Ben stated that I have dedication because I suppose he saw that I was not going to give up. I told him that I have always wanted to learn how to play the drums. Then he brought the bass gutair in to try help me balance everything out. It helped but I still could not keep everything in balance. By this time it was time to go.

As we went out to the car Mr. Ben explained to me that he was going to allow me to borrow a snare drum for me to parcatice on which on the positive side would help out a bunch because I do not own a drum set but on the negative drive my dad insane. He showed it to me and told me that both I and Shanya should enjoy it. Then we left Nuci and he headed to my house. We had a nice conversation on the way down the highway. When we arrived to my house he helped me put my load in the house and told me that I did a good job today.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Renaissance

I think that King Henry was wrong for wanting to divorce from his wife, so he made his own religion because the Priest would not allow him. I think that King Henry should have stuck by his religion and instead of using his power for the negative. He should have just dealt with it. After all the craziness that happened in England. England finally got a good queen, Elizabeth known as the virgin queen because she never married. Then after she passed King James became king and the "King James Bible" was brought about. The Renaissance was one of the best times because if it wasn't for the "King James Bible" we would not be able to read the bible now.

Act 1 of The Tragedy of Macbeth

In the First act the witches tell Macbeth that he is destined to be King. Then he starts to think if the witches are right and, writes his wife about what the witches said. The King promotes Macbeth as the Thane of Cawdor. This would make him one step closer to being King, but the King has a son meaning his son would become him if the King would past. So where does this put Macbeth? That is what he is trying to figure out. In the begenning of this act the witches say something very important which is " Fair is foul and foul is fair, Hover through the fog and filthy air". Now when I first read this I didn't understand it but bacically the witches are saying the way someone can look good on the outside may not be good in the inside. Now when Macbeth is promoted, the King is invited to home. Macbeth gets there first and hiw wife tells him that she has a plan to kill the King. Macbeth starts to back out but his wife begans to push "Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valor as though in desire". So now his wife is manipulating him. That's just somoething a loyal wife would do.

Right now this story is very interesting because I would have thought Macbeth's wife would be proud of her husband to get promoted by the King. It seems to me that Lady Macbeth has her mind focus on the jack pot. Poor Macbeth just out of it. Now he is about get himself tied up and he doesn't even see it. I just wonder how thigs are going to go from here....

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Learning about the Middle Ages through Poems and Song....

People in the Middlie Ages wrote poems and sung about thier sorrow, guilt and whatever they were going through in thier life. The first poem Lord Randell. It was about a man coming home to his mother and sick onthe stomach. the mother is concern and starts to ask question and continully tells her that he is sick on the stomach. He finally tells her that he was dinning with a woman and that she might have posioned him. That is some poem to me. I wold have never thought of someone writing about getting posioned.

The Next story Edward, Edward was about killing. He killed a hawk, horse, and then he killed his father. Now he wants to flee. He wasn't going leave anything for his wife or childeren and for his mother he left the curse of her counsling. So people in those says wrote about betrayal and the wrong that they did.

The last poem was about a husband and wife that were both busy doing chores around the house and neither one of them could lock the door. As they sat down to eat who ever talked first had to get up and lock the door. This poem illistrates that even though in those times there was alot of grief, peolple still had thier times for fun and games.

Now in days people write poems about the past the future and what's going on inthe world. I think that the Middle ages may have really influenced poems and songs to be about reality in peoples lives.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Elmore Leonard: Out of sight

This is a pertty good book. It's my first time ever reading something like this book. This book is descriptive, funny, and kind of confusing, but what i have gottenout of it is that it's some emates that have borken out of jail and there is women and her father are after them. Two of the emates are after somemoney tht anothetr emate told one of the guys. So are on raod trip to the man's house. I dont't if they are going to make it because the women and her father are on thier tail. I wonder what will happen next.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Characters in Canabery

The Knight: This knight had been all over the world fighting in the Crusades. He was brave but now he was on his way to the pilgrimage. "Though so strong and brave, he was very wise."

Squire: He was lover and bachelor yet he was feminine and very joyful.
"Singing he was, or whistling, all the day;He was as fresh as is the month of May"

Yeoman: He was very well dressed. With many thing s to protect himself with.
"And at one side a sword and a buckler, And at the other side a dagger bright,"

Prioress: She was Nun and very classy.
"That no drop could fall upon her breast.In courtesy she had delight and zest."

Monk: He was into outside sports and on many journeys he went. "An outrider; hunting was his sport;"

Friar: He arranged marriages and spoke very well. "He had arranged many a marriage"

Merchant: He was a very worthy man that had won many and would not talk of when he had lost. "Stressing the times when he had won, not lost."

Clerk: He was an open guy to teach and top learn. "And gladly would he learn and gladly teach."

Sergeant of the Law: He was good writer and knew the law word by word. "And every law he knew entirely by rote."

Franklin: He always had food in his house. He had been sheriff and tax auditor. "His house was never short of food and pies."

Haberdasher, Carpenter, Arras-Maker,Dyer, Weaver: They were men with weapons made of silver. " weapons were not cheaply shaped with brass,But all with silver;"

Cook: He was a very good cook. He could cook, bake or fry anything. " And he could roast and boil and broil and fry, And prepare a stew, and bake a tasty pie."

Shipman: On his ship he had been against the hard currrents, and had been burt on the face by the sun shinning so bright. "His currents and the dangerous watersides,"

The Phycisian: He was a good doctor and knew cause for everything sickness. "He cared for and saved a patient many times"

The Wife of Bath: She was deaf but was very good at weaving , married she was and a mother of five. "Married in church, husbands she had five,"

Parson: He was poor man but rich in the holy that went to church and taught what he knew. "But rich he was in holy thought and work."

Plowman: He was a hard worker, paid his taxes and was a man of God. " a true worker was he,He loved God most, and that with his whole heart"

Miller: He was man that worked hard but stole fromthe ones he sold to for his selfish reasons. "He could steal corn and three times charge his fee;"

Manciple: He kept up with food that was bought in the markets. " That he knew the markets, watched them closely"

Reeve: He looked over many people for doing work for him on his own cottage. "His cottage was a good one, on a heath"

Summoner: He was in charge of getting people to go to court. " "The purse is the archdeacon's hell," said he."

Pardoner: He was a man that was greedy for money, he listen to peoples conffession and sold fake relstone ( which was suppose to be someone holy).

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Important Events in the "Middle Ages"

The Crusades: They were a group of people that had wars against European Christians, Muslims, Jerusalem, and the Holy Land as there prize. Even though they did not remain there power over Jerusalem. They had great succes with meeting with a Higher Civilization. Meeting a Higher Civilization they were able to get contact mathematics, astronomy, architecture, and cafts.

The Martyrdom of Thomas a Becket:Henry the second and Thomas a Becket had arguments about ruling the county because Henry was the King and Thomas was the Arch Bishop.Soon enough Thomas Becket the Arch Bishop was killed by some men that over heard King Henry the Second say that if he didn't have him around that ruling his country would be a lot easier. When this killing happen the Catholic church became bigger because one of their leaders were killed. I guess eventually they had to get someone to take his place. Thomas a Becket will never be forgotten the Catholic Church history.

The Magna Carta: This gave some of England's people some power and rights. The people became so furious at the Goverment for having so much power. They took it upon themselves to make the Goverment stop having so much power. From what the people did they rights such as trial by jury and also legislative taxation. I believe that England still goes by that today.

The Black Death: It was called the Bubonic Plauge and it was very contagious. It was a plauge that effected England. It took a third of England to it population fall. Fleas from infected rats effected the people and that was what started the plauge. Not everything was negative about this situation because it gave the lower class more leverage than ever before. This ended in 1349.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Death Bewulf...

Bewulf's death could have been avoided by him just punishsing the guy that stole instead of him trying to show everyone that he still had it. I can't believe that he would just think about himself, instead of doing his Kingly duty. It was very cocky of him at an old age to try beat something that was stronger than him. He was headstrong, and because of that he was not thinking clearly. Thinking about his younger days gave him "strength" to kill a dragon " "Often in youthI survived the storm of battle,the time of war.I remember all that."

Anybody that think that he was in the right I disagree. He was to old to be killing a dragon that was not hurting his people. Therefore he should have just punsh the man and went on being the King. He made an example out of himself, and that example is that you should think before you act because you never know what can come at you.

"BEWULF" V.S The "SPARTANS" ( The 300)

Bewouf was consider a Hero for King Hrothgar and his people. Coming from a long journey on a ship (" That man called for a ship,said he would cross the ocean").The Spartans are a different story. They wanted their freedom from Persia and their respect. So they go on their journey and ready to die for whatever come at them. What is so similar about Bewulf ("I am Hygelac's kinsman and warrior") and The Spartans is that they were warriors and would fight til the death. Just like Bewolf(",Then the war-kingremembered past deeds,struck mightily with his swordso that it stuckin the dragon's head", This makes me htin that he is looking back to his past and give himself the push to let himself know that he still has it.) the Spartans thought that they were unbeatable, but at the end both the Spartans and Bewulf was looking at death... knowing that the time was here and there was no looking back.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Bewolf was a Great Warrior. Anglo-Saxon had a Warrior culture.
Direct: But a warrior of Hygelac'sheard of Grendel's doings;he was the strongest of menalive in that day,mighty and noble.

Bewolf would help anyone in need. Anglo-Saxon would protect different surrounding areas.
Direct: That man called for a ship,said he would cross the ocean and help the king who needed help.

In Bewolf there were stories bein told, and in the Anglo-Saxon that's how tales were past to generation to generation.
Direct:The words of the poet,the sounds of the harp,the joy of people echoed.The poet told how the world came to be, how God made the earthand the water surrounding,how He set the sun and the moonas lights for peopleand adorned the earthwith limbs and leaves for everyone.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Bewolf was a very interesting story. I have never read something like that before, it was long and detailed. It had excitement, scary and sad parts all in one. Some parts even touch me like when Bewolf was dying he told Wiglaf to take care of his people and do good with the treasure that they took from the Dragon. It was wrong how Wiglaf was the only one out his group of men to come help with the Dragon. Bewolf was a very interesting man himself. Defending a man that stole, and then going to get the rest for himself. That was very selfish and wrong and by doing wrong he got himself killed. He allowed his greediness to get the best of him.

By the way that Bewolf act the Anglo-Saxon had a warrior instincts. Bewolf would not hold back nor let his people down. If it took him a hundred tries he was going to do it. He was determine to be the best and the undefeated. He was going to be number one. In the story it seemed as though many of the warriors that he had were afraid of the monsters they fought. It seemed like he was a army all by himself. Many of his warriors would run away until the fight would be over then come back to cheer him of his victory. They seem more of his cheerleaders than his army... I find that humorous.

The more I look over the story I see why Bewolf got such a big head. Okay, he killed 2 monsters by himself without any help of his warriors. Then the people made him King. Now if I had that type of power I think that I would get a little cocky myself, but I think he got to big of a head once he took up for a man that stole, knowing that stealing is wrong. Then went to the Dragons layers to kill the Dragon and take his treasure. Now not only the man that stole from the dragon in the first place wrong but now King Bewolf is wrong also. I think he showed bad example to his people. Just because he wanted to show his people that he still got it ( like 70 years old) instead he showed an example of ways not to be.

Bewolf was a good warrior, and a good guy. He just allowed himself to get a big head and because of that he got himself killed at an old age. I think if he would have done his duty as King and punish this man for stealing instead of trying to out beat him he would not have died. He would have lived on as a great King and leader. Bewolf put himself in a bad situation and for that he got the consequence he deserved.